animate docs


Animations for Bolt Design System

Published Last updated: 2.30.0 Change log Github NPM
Twig Usage
  <bolt-animate in="fade-in"> ...</bolt-animate>
Note: when assigning component props as HTML attributes on a web component, make sure to use kebab-case.
Prop Name Description Type Default Value Option(s)
string hidden
  • default or hidden
string none
  • none , fade-in , slide-down , fade-in-slide-up , fade-in-slide-down , fade-in-slide-left , fade-in-slide-right , fade-in-fade-out

Set in milliseconds

number 500

Set in milliseconds

number 0
string ease
  • ease , ease-in , ease-out , ease-in-out , linear
number 1
string none
  • none , pulse , spin , heart-beat

Set in milliseconds

number 500

Set in milliseconds

number 0
string none
  • none , fade-out , fade-out-slide-up , slide-up , fade-out-slide-down , fade-out-slide-left , fade-out-slide-right

Set in milliseconds

number 350

Set in milliseconds

number 0
string ease
  • ease , ease-in , ease-out , ease-in-out , linear
number 1
boolean false
Install Install
  npm install @bolt/components-animate
Dependencies @bolt/core-v3.x @bolt/lazy-queue


Name Required? Description
default No wrapped content to animate


Name Description
triggerAnimIn() => boolean start the in animation, will go to idle animation after
triggerAnimOut() => boolean start the out animation


Name Detail Description
bolt-animate:end:in {} Indicates when the in animation concluded
bolt-animate:end:out {} Indicates when the out animation concluded


In, Idle, Out


Idle, Out


In, Out

In, Idle


animate build stages

Build Ins

















Build Outs















editor docs


Next Generation live editor for Bolt Web Components

Published Last updated: 2.30.0 Change log Github NPM
Twig Usage
  {% set content %}
  <bolt-text>Hello World!</bolt-text>
{% endset %}

{% include '@bolt-components-editor/editor.twig' with {
  styles: ['/build/bolt-global.css'],
  scripts: ['/build/bolt-global.js'],
  content: content,
} only %}
Note: when assigning component props as HTML attributes on a web component, make sure to use kebab-case.
Prop Name Description Type Default Value Option(s)
content *

HTML content to edit

styles *

URL paths to CSS files that the editable content requires

scripts *

URL paths to JS files that the editable content requires


ID for this content. Useful for saving back to a data store like Drupal by passing in the paragraph ID. ID emitted in save event.

Install Install
  npm install @bolt/components-editor
Dependencies @bolt/core-v3.x @bolt/lazy-queue detect-browser grapesjs param-case

editor simple

This is a Button; click "Edit" above to edit me

editor blockquote


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

editor modal

This is a Button triggering an on-page Modal This is a Link triggering an on-page Modal CTA Text
How Pega technology resolves Company

You are about to reach your monthly data limit...

To avoid costly calls to your service center (and keep customers happy), you need to stay one step ahead. That’s why Pega’s real-time monitoring and pattern detection lets you sense a potential billing issue, then send your customer a proactive notification. It’s not mind-reading. It’s signals

micro journey docs

Micro Journeys

A collection of Web Components for animated storytelling

See a demo of the Micro Journeys with Editor in a full page

character docs

Character Docs


  <bolt-character size="small"></bolt-character>


Note: when assigning component props as HTML attributes on a web component, make sure to use kebab-case.
Prop Name Description Type Default Value Option(s)

A Drupal-style attributes object with extra attributes to append to this component.

size *

Character Size.

string small
  • small , medium , large

Pre-defined package image.

string customer-happy
  • customer-happy , customer-neutral , customer-sad , customer-surprise , pega-rep , u-comm-plus , custom

URL of a custom image.


Use a bolt-icon in place of an image Url.

boolean false

Constrain the bottom slot to the width of the character. Used when right or left slots overflow character height and encroach on bottom slot.

boolean false

Add padding around the character equalling the width/height of the background. Collapses on mobile.

boolean false


Name Requred? Description
top No
right No
bottom No
left No


Slot: top Slot: left Slot: right Slot: bottom

character kitchen sink

Toggle light/dark theme Trigger Characters Animate In

Official Editor Starters

Company CTA Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.


Uh oh!

To avoid costly calls to your service center (and keeping customers happy), you ned to stay one step ahead. That's why Pega's real-time monitoring and pattern detection lets you sense a potential billing issue, then send your customer a proactive notification. It's not mind-reading. It's signals

Why is my bill so high? Let me check.

Customer billing view I am text

Uh oh!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab animi atque consectetur delectus deserunt eaque exercitationem fugiat mollitia nobis nostrum, odit placeat, quae repudiandae, saepe sequi sint tempore ut velit. CTA text

Test constrainBottomSlot, overlapping bottom and right content can't overlap

Very long. Lorem ipsem text not too long.

Bill is due!

Bill is due!

Bill is due!

Very long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.


I'm a small character

Slot: left Slot: right Slot: bottom

I'm a medium character

I'm a medium character

I'm a medium character

I'm a large character

Bill is due!

I'm a large character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.

Bill is due! Lots more text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.

I'm a large character

Bill is due!


Bill is due!

Bill is due!

Bill is due!

Very long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.


Why is my bill so high? Let me check.

Customer billing view

Corporis expedita labore

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

You are about to reach your monthly data limit...


Customer is 79% likely to call about their bill.


Offer to waive late fee.


You have a data roaming charge and a late fee. Would you like to waive the late fee?

Agent view of billing charges

Why is my bill so high?

Thanks for being a valued customer!

Thanks so much for waiving my late fee!


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.

Company CTA Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.


Uh oh!

To avoid costly calls to your service center (and keeping customers happy), you ned to stay one step ahead. That's why Pega's real-time monitoring and pattern detection lets you sense a potential billing issue, then send your customer a proactive notification. It's not mind-reading. It's signals

Why is my bill so high? Let me check.

Customer billing view I am text

Uh oh!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab animi atque consectetur delectus deserunt eaque exercitationem fugiat mollitia nobis nostrum, odit placeat, quae repudiandae, saepe sequi sint tempore ut velit. CTA text lorem

Very long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.

Short text.


Not very long. Lorem ipsum dolor.


Very long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.


Very long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.


Very long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.


Shadow DOM – yes:☝️ no:👇

Note: Shadow DOM-less content is not working properly when nested in a form element, some children are adding a broken Shadow DOM. To test Shadow DOM-less content you must manually set `export const hasNativeShadowDomSupport = false;` in `utils/environment.js` until this is fixed.

connection docs

Connection Docs

<bolt-connection size="small"></bolt-connection>
Note: when assigning component props as HTML attributes on a web component, make sure to use kebab-case.
Prop Name Description Type Default Value Option(s)

Speed of the animation, typically rotation.

string 1000

Type of predefined animated SVG to use.

string connectionBand
  • connectionBand or tripleConnectionBand

Direction of animation, currently only available on Connection Band

string left
  • left or right


top bottom

status dialogue bar docs

Status Dialogue Bar Docs

<bolt-status-dialolgue-bar size="small"></bolt-status-dialolgue-bar>
Note: when assigning component props as HTML attributes on a web component, make sure to use kebab-case.
Prop Name Description Type Default Value Option(s)

A Drupal-style attributes object with extra attributes to append to this component.


Icon name.

string mobility
  • -none- , academy , add , add-open , add-solid , agile , app-development , app-exchange , arrow-left , asset-data , asset-infographic , asset-interactive , asset-link , asset-media , asset-podcast , asset-presentation , asset-text , asset-video , bolt-logo-colored , brand-meteor , brand-molecule , brand-operations , brand-orbit , brand-triangle , calendar , careers , case-management , chart-bar , check , check-circle , check-solid , chevron-down , chevron-left , chevron-right , chevron-up , close , close-circled , close-open , close-solid , cloud , co-browse , collaboration , communications , copy-to-clipboard , credit-card , customer-decision-hub , customer-onboarding , customer-service , data-integrations , discussions , documentation , dollar-open , download , email , energy , entertainment , exclamation , exit-full-screen , external-link , eye , eye-off , face-happy , face-sad , facebook , facebook-solid , field-service , field-service-gray , file-small , filter , financial , full-screen , github , global , government , healthcare , heart , hospitality , ideas , industries , info-open , info-solid , insurance , integration , intelligent-virtual-assistant , java , knowledgebase , launchpad , life-sciences , linkedin , linkedin-solid , list , lock , manufacturing , map-pin , map-pin-solid , marketing , marketing-gray , menu , minus-open , minus-solid , mobility , more , omni-channel , partners , pencil , platform , podcast , print , product , product-delivery , questions , refresh , reply , reporting , retail , robo-auto , sales-automation , scalability , search , share , star-solid , support , system-admin , thumbs-up-open , time-open , training , transportation , trash , twitter , twitter-solid , unlock , upload , user , user-interface , video , vision , warning , watch , workforce-intelligence , world-open , youtube-solid

Is this an alert message? Changes it to error red.

boolean false

Direction of the dialogue arrow direction.

string none
  • up , down , left , right , none

The direction in which the dialog box should be floated given extra space in container if no arrow dialog arrow direction is given.

string center
  • left , right , up , down , center

status dialogue bar


Hey now!

Bill almost due

Bill almost due

Bill almost due!! Take action now before this text wraps to another line.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab dolores fuga in ipsum minus modi nihil nulla odit recusandae sapiente! Aspernatur inventore minima nobis odio reprehenderit? Aliquam laudantium quos repudiandae.

Up Arrow

Down Arrow

Left Arrow

Right Arrow

icon group docs

Icon Group Docs

<bolt-icon-group icon-one-name="eye" icon-two-name="eye" icon-three-name="eye" icon-color="teal"></bolt-icon-group>

icon group

Horizontal Icon Group Vertical Icon Group

micro journeys solo

Toggle light/dark theme
How Pega technology resolves

Simple Steps

Shadow DOM – yes:☝️ no:👇

Note: Shadow DOM-less content is not working properly when nested in a form element, some children are adding a broken Shadow DOM. To test Shadow DOM-less content you must manually set `export const hasNativeShadowDomSupport = false;` in `utils/environment.js` until this is fixed.

micro journeys

Toggle light/dark theme
How Pega technology resolves Company

You are about to reach your monthly data limit...

To avoid costly calls to your service center (and keep customers happy), you need to stay one step ahead. That’s why Pega’s real-time monitoring and pattern detection lets you sense a potential billing issue, then send your customer a proactive notification. It’s not mind-reading. It’s signals

Why is my bill so high? Let me check.

Customer billing view
If the billing issue is due to new fees and charges, the customer can log in and easily see what’s changed, thanks to Pega’s customer self-service view.

Customer is 79% likely to call about their bill.


Offer to waive late fee.

Use Pega’s AI-powered propensity modeling to determine the appropriate offer that gives your customer resolution she needs – without having to call your service center. See this in action

You have a data roaming charge and a late fee. Would you like to waive the late fee?

Agent view of billing charges

Why is my bill so high?

If a customer does pick up the phone, your agents will be ready. Pega provides a detailed view of charges over time, and self-learning adaptive models guide agents with scripts. That way they can always take the next best action for both your customer and your business. What do we mean by “next best action”?

Thanks for being a valued customer!

Thanks so much for waiving my late fee!

When your customers’ billing issues are resolved quickly, you see results. Think higher customer satisfaction, fewer repeat calls, and lower average handle time (AHT). Find out how Cisco cut AHT in half
Proactive customer service. Streamlined billing inquiries. Start delivering all of this and more with Pega Customer Service™.
Explore our industry-leading software
Learn more about intelligent guidance
Sign up for an upcoming demo

You have a data roaming charge and a late fee. Would you like to waive the late fee?

Agent view of billing charges

Why is my bill so high?

If a customer does pick up the phone, your agents will be ready. Pega provides a detailed view of charges over time, and self-learning adaptive models guide agents with scripts. That way they can always take the next best action for both your customer and your business. What do we mean by “next best action”?

Thanks for being a valued customer!

Thanks so much for waiving my late fee!

When your customers’ billing issues are resolved quickly, you see results. Think higher customer satisfaction, fewer repeat calls, and lower average handle time (AHT). Find out how Cisco cut AHT in half

You are about to reach your monthly data limit...

To avoid costly calls to your service center (and keep customers happy), you need to stay one step ahead. That’s why Pega’s real-time monitoring and pattern detection lets you sense a potential billing issue, then send your customer a proactive notification. It’s not mind-reading. It’s signals

Why is my bill so high? Let me check.

Customer billing view
If the billing issue is due to new fees and charges, the customer can log in and easily see what’s changed, thanks to Pega’s customer self-service view.

Customer is 79% likely to call about their bill.


Offer to waive late fee.

Use Pega’s AI-powered propensity modeling to determine the appropriate offer that gives your customer resolution she needs – without having to call your service center. See this in action
Proactive customer service. Streamlined billing inquiries. Start delivering all of this and more with Pega Customer Service™.
Explore our industry-leading software
Learn more about intelligent guidance
Sign up for an upcoming demo

Shadow DOM – yes:☝️ no:👇

Note: Shadow DOM-less content is not working properly when nested in a form element, some children are adding a broken Shadow DOM. To test Shadow DOM-less content you must manually set `export const hasNativeShadowDomSupport = false;` in `utils/environment.js` until this is fixed.
Toggle light/dark theme
How Pega technology resolves Company

You are about to reach your monthly data limit...

To avoid costly calls to your service center (and keep customers happy), you need to stay one step ahead. That’s why Pega’s real-time monitoring and pattern detection lets you sense a potential billing issue, then send your customer a proactive notification. It’s not mind-reading. It’s signals

Why is my bill so high? Let me check.

Customer billing view
If the billing issue is due to new fees and charges, the customer can log in and easily see what’s changed, thanks to Pega’s customer self-service view.

Customer is 79% likely to call about their bill.


Offer to waive late fee.

Use Pega’s AI-powered propensity modeling to determine the appropriate offer that gives your customer resolution she needs – without having to call your service center. See this in action

You have a data roaming charge and a late fee. Would you like to waive the late fee?

Agent view of billing charges

Why is my bill so high?

If a customer does pick up the phone, your agents will be ready. Pega provides a detailed view of charges over time, and self-learning adaptive models guide agents with scripts. That way they can always take the next best action for both your customer and your business. What do we mean by “next best action”?

Thanks for being a valued customer!

Thanks so much for waiving my late fee!

When your customers’ billing issues are resolved quickly, you see results. Think higher customer satisfaction, fewer repeat calls, and lower average handle time (AHT). Find out how Cisco cut AHT in half
Proactive customer service. Streamlined billing inquiries. Start delivering all of this and more with Pega Customer Service™.
Explore our industry-leading software
Learn more about intelligent guidance
Sign up for an upcoming demo

You have a data roaming charge and a late fee. Would you like to waive the late fee?

Agent view of billing charges

Why is my bill so high?

If a customer does pick up the phone, your agents will be ready. Pega provides a detailed view of charges over time, and self-learning adaptive models guide agents with scripts. That way they can always take the next best action for both your customer and your business. What do we mean by “next best action”?

Thanks for being a valued customer!

Thanks so much for waiving my late fee!

When your customers’ billing issues are resolved quickly, you see results. Think higher customer satisfaction, fewer repeat calls, and lower average handle time (AHT). Find out how Cisco cut AHT in half

You are about to reach your monthly data limit...

To avoid costly calls to your service center (and keep customers happy), you need to stay one step ahead. That’s why Pega’s real-time monitoring and pattern detection lets you sense a potential billing issue, then send your customer a proactive notification. It’s not mind-reading. It’s signals

Why is my bill so high? Let me check.

Customer billing view
If the billing issue is due to new fees and charges, the customer can log in and easily see what’s changed, thanks to Pega’s customer self-service view.

Customer is 79% likely to call about their bill.


Offer to waive late fee.

Use Pega’s AI-powered propensity modeling to determine the appropriate offer that gives your customer resolution she needs – without having to call your service center. See this in action
Proactive customer service. Streamlined billing inquiries. Start delivering all of this and more with Pega Customer Service™.
Explore our industry-leading software
Learn more about intelligent guidance
Sign up for an upcoming demo

Shadow DOM – yes:☝️ no:👇

Note: Shadow DOM-less content is not working properly when nested in a form element, some children are adding a broken Shadow DOM. To test Shadow DOM-less content you must manually set `export const hasNativeShadowDomSupport = false;` in `utils/environment.js` until this is fixed.
How Pega technology resolves Company

You are about to reach your monthly data limit...

To avoid costly calls to your service center (and keep customers happy), you need to stay one step ahead. That’s why Pega’s real-time monitoring and pattern detection lets you sense a potential billing issue, then send your customer a proactive notification. It’s not mind-reading. It’s signals

step 1 demo

Toggle light/dark theme

You are about to reach your monthly data limit...

To avoid costly calls to your service center (and keep customers happy), you need to stay one step ahead. That’s why Pega’s real-time monitoring and pattern detection lets you sense a potential billing issue, then send your customer a proactive notification. It’s not mind-reading. It’s signals

Shadow DOM – yes:☝️ no:👇

Note: Shadow DOM-less content is not working properly when nested in a form element, some children are adding a broken Shadow DOM. To test Shadow DOM-less content you must manually set `export const hasNativeShadowDomSupport = false;` in `utils/environment.js` until this is fixed.

step 2 demo

Toggle light/dark theme

Why is my bill so high? Let me check.

Customer billing view
If the billing issue is due to new fees and charges, the customer can log in and easily see what’s changed, thanks to Pega’s customer self-service view.

Shadow DOM – yes:☝️ no:👇

Note: Shadow DOM-less content is not working properly when nested in a form element, some children are adding a broken Shadow DOM. To test Shadow DOM-less content you must manually set `export const hasNativeShadowDomSupport = false;` in `utils/environment.js` until this is fixed.

step 3 demo

Toggle light/dark theme

Customer is 79% likely to call about their bill.


Offer to waive late fee.

Use Pega’s AI-powered propensity modeling to determine the appropriate offer that gives your customer resolution she needs – without having to call your service center. See this in action

Shadow DOM – yes:☝️ no:👇

Note: Shadow DOM-less content is not working properly when nested in a form element, some children are adding a broken Shadow DOM. To test Shadow DOM-less content you must manually set `export const hasNativeShadowDomSupport = false;` in `utils/environment.js` until this is fixed.

step 4 demo

Toggle light/dark theme

You have a data roaming charge and a late fee. Would you like to waive the late fee?

Agent view of billing charges

Why is my bill so high?

If a customer does pick up the phone, your agents will be ready. Pega provides a detailed view of charges over time, and self-learning adaptive models guide agents with scripts. That way they can always take the next best action for both your customer and your business. What do we mean by “next best action”?

Shadow DOM – yes:☝️ no:👇

Note: Shadow DOM-less content is not working properly when nested in a form element, some children are adding a broken Shadow DOM. To test Shadow DOM-less content you must manually set `export const hasNativeShadowDomSupport = false;` in `utils/environment.js` until this is fixed.

step 5 demo

Toggle light/dark theme

Thanks for being a valued customer!

Thanks so much for waiving my late fee!

When your customers’ billing issues are resolved quickly, you see results. Think higher customer satisfaction, fewer repeat calls, and lower average handle time (AHT). Find out how Cisco cut AHT in half

Shadow DOM – yes:☝️ no:👇

Note: Shadow DOM-less content is not working properly when nested in a form element, some children are adding a broken Shadow DOM. To test Shadow DOM-less content you must manually set `export const hasNativeShadowDomSupport = false;` in `utils/environment.js` until this is fixed.

svg animations docs

svg animations

SVG Animations

Triple Band, Left

Triple Band, Right

Connection Band, Right




SVG Animations- Dark Versions



Radar Dark

Connection Band Left